Growing up I always recognized and associated the Geffen Records symbol with the iconic 80's rock group Guns n Roses, thanks to my mom who was and still is arguably one of their biggest number one fans. But once I took the time to look over the countless universal success of Geffen, I began to realize the astounding accomplishments this man made throughout his life and how he built himself up from literally nothing. Throughout the documentary, Geffen remissness's of his mother's struggles and her dedication to building her own business and self worth, and this I felt was a very touching aspect of his story because you can see how his mother humbled him for future successes. It truly touches me to see successful people within the industry this genuine, real, and committed to their career because it drives me to want to be that role model. As a person who holds their personal and work relationships on a very high level, I aspire to be the business partner and friend that Geffen was to so many. Recognizing how this one man changed the lives of countless people inspires me to try that much harder to leave the same impression he did on so many.
Something that Geffen said that really resonated with me was that "he feared living an ordinary life", that he wasn't going to accomplish anything exciting. And this stuck with me because there are so many times I have thought and felt the same way, that in my life I knew I had to accomplish something big, dream big to accomplish even bigger things despite the conceptions around me. It was after hearing this I knew that what Geffen had done throughout his career was exactly what I wanted to achieve, that the main driving force to my perseverance is the fear of living an ordinary life. Though I have spent such a short amount of time within the industry, I have a firm belief and understanding that it takes an incredible level of dedication and true love for the world of music to achieve the wildest of possibilities and dreams, to discover a genuine commitment within yourself to want to bring success to others.
Near the end of the film, another statement that left a lasting impression was that artists become artists because they were the underdogs, now looking for somewhere to belong and be welcomed. This struck me because it made me realize the similarities and characteristics of any and every artist. These are individuals who don't want to lead normal lives, but people who have an imagination that they want to share. It was this very thought that made me realize the exact qualities that define and bring together the arts community, and it was these exact aspects that Geffen based his style of business off. Geffen had a true love for the music, he many never have been talented, but he knew what was worth appreciating and deserving of recognition.
Throughout this chapter of my life so far, I have had a world of opportunities to learn and discover more about myself than I ever imagined I would. And never would I have thought that something as simple as a two hour documentary could materialize my dreams into a potential reality. I have always had high hopes for myself, but knowing that someone has achieved those great things once before encourages me to achieve those lengths once again. Geffen's successes aren't just tabloids to me, but goals. I hope to achieve great things throughout my career, change the lives of those around me, leave the same impressions that Geffen was able to. If there was one thing that I took from this video today and promise to believe, is to be honest, to imagine, and to dream.
- Carly June