Well its Monday June 17th 2013 and lately I have been working my brain, trying to think of some ideas or events, maybe surprising or interesting experiences to share with you; find an intriguing story to tell. Now I know that this may seem questionable to some, but I hope to make this tour into a little bit extra. Looking for a touch of type-spiration I have decided to explore the Vancouver open mic scene for the next week to bring you on seven day journey of live performances throughout the city in search of the unexpected.
Some of the locations I have been to before, and maybe some of you know what will be in store, but for the most part this will be an all new experience of live music, new friends, and unique culture. Now that I have hopefully sparked your interest, follow along with me this week as I bring you into the world of aspiring musicians, true music lovers, and the sensational rhythmic creations natural to the mysterious night of the open mic.
Let me introduce you to the line up...
Monday - 2904 Main Street
Back to familiar Mr.Brownstone to join friends Cory and Alex; I plan to start off the week long tour with a kick- a maybe little surprise?!
Tuesday - 1608 Commercial Drive
To "The Drive" where I will take you to the infamous Libra Room, which I only recently visited for the first time; a truly genuine experience and this visit will definitely not be the last.
Wednesday- 2340 West 4th Avenue
In the heart of Kitsilano is where you can find Rowan's Roof. Yet one of the many places throughout the city I haven't been, this is an anticipated evening of excitement.
Thursday - 2096 Commercial Drive
I chose Cafe Deux Soleils which I still yet have to check out; and due to an interesting friend suggestion I made sure to add this location to the tour.
Friday - 1955 Cornwall Avenue
Yet another Kits hot spot, the Charqui Grill will be my anticipated location for the start of the weekend.
Saturday - 2610 West 4th Avenue
In search for an energizing experience I've chosen to drop in at the culture rich Wired Monk for a Saturday celebration.
Sunday - 1227 Granville Street
I'll end my 7 day musical excursion at the rock-famous Morrissey Pub for their Early Evening Sessions event which happens every Sunday.
Now that I am getting ready for the busy week ahead of me, I've already begun to miss my sleep but I can barely contain my excitement! The next seven days will be the most unpredictable days of music I've exposed myself to to date and I couldn't be more eager to share with my readers the talents that linger amongst our city streets. You know the locations, you know the schedule; be sure to tune in throughout the week to follow me on my hunt for a pearl in the making, my journey to Create the Undiscovered.
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